2001 – TV/Radio

Best Newscast
 First Place: KCBS Radio, San Francisco
News Team “KCBS AM News”
Second Place: ABC News, New York
Chris Berry “7 a.m. Newscast”
Third Place: KNX Newsradio, Los Angeles
Dave Zorn, Rory Eriksen, Kathleen Mendoza & Ronnie Bradford “KNX News at 4:30 p.m.”
Public Service
First Place:
Oregon Public Broadcasting, Portland
Colin Fogarty & Morgan Holm “Coming to Terms with Dying”
Second Place: KNX Radio, Los Angeles
David P. Ysais “Getting Kids to Read”
Third Place: WCPN, Cleveland
Dee Perry “Around Noon”
Investigative Reporting
First Place:
KCBS Radio, San Francisco
Mike Sugarman “Working Poor”
Second Place: WBAL-AM, Baltimore
Ron Smith & Rosearl Julian   “The Jonathan Dempsey Beating”
Third Place: WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, Albany
Mark Brodie  “Asbestos in Mount Vernon, NY”
Coverage of a Spot News Event
First Place :                                                                   ABC News, N.Y.
Linda Albin   “Violence in Israel”
Second Place:   KCBS Radio, San Francisco
“Recycling Fire”
Third Place:  No award given
Continuing Coverage of a Single News Event
First Place:
WBAL-AM, Baltimore
“Palczysnki Takes a Neighborhood Hostage”
John Patti, Bill Vanko,
Anne Kramer, Rosearl Julian
Second Place: ABC News Radio
Chris Berry “Elian Gonzalez Story”
Third Place: KNX Newsradio, Los Angeles
Dave Zorn, Luis Torres & Steve Cusack  “First Word: The Crash of Flight 261”
Documentary or Series of Reports
First Place : KNX Newsradio, Los Angeles
Gail Eichenthal  “Strings Attached: Adolescents and Sex”
Second Place: KCBS Radio, San Francisco
Mike Sugarman  “Hired Hands”
Third Place: The Savvy Traveler
Tom Verde  “Tour of Cairo, Egypt”
Feature or Human Interest Story
First Place :   WBAL-AM, Baltimore
John Patti “If These Balls Could Talk”
Second Place: Lichtenstein Creative Media
Bill Lichtenstein, June Peoples & Sharon Lerner  ” On A Different Note: Perfect Pitch and Williams Syndrome”
Third Place: WCPN-Cleveland Public Radio
Karen Schaefer  “Remembering the Underground Railroad”
  Best Newscast
First Place : WFAA-TV, Dallas
“USS Cole Attack”
Annette Smith & Sara Garza
  Second Place: WCVB-TV, Needham, MA
“Wakefield Tragedy”
  Third Place: WBAL-TV, Baltimore
Rena Popp & Tim Tunison “5 p.m. News”
  Spot News Event
  First Place :   WEWS-TV, Cleveland
Lynn Heider, Kathy McGee “Meltdown”
  Second Place: KSTP-TV, St. Paul
Bob McNaney & Russ Brown “Northwest Airlines: Mishandled Mail”
  Third Place: WCVB-TV, Needham, MA
“Wakefield Tragedy”
  Continuing Coverage of a Single News Event
  First Place :   WEWS-TV, Cleveland
Lynn Heider “Hospital Crisis”
  Second Place: KECI-TV, Missoula, MT
“Montana Wildfires: Up in Flames”
  Third Place: WCVB-TV, Needham, MA
David Boeri “On the Trail of James Whitey Bulger and the FBI”
  Feature or Human Interest Story
  First Place :   KDFW-TV, Dallas
John Hammarley “Ethel Hears Again”
  Second Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Douglas Burgess “The Humming Birds and the Bees”
  Third Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Janet St. James & Douglas Burgess “The Baby Factory”
  Public Service
  First Place: Georgia Public Television, Atlanta
Carol Fisk, Gerald Bryant & Leigh Green “Final Choices”
  Second Place: WYFF-TV, Greenville, SC
Michael Cogdill, John Hendon, Lori Webster & Tim Whims “Message from the Bottle”
Third Place: KGO-TV, San Francisco
Michael Finney & Jennifer Vogelsberg “7 on your Side”
Documentary or Series of Reports
First Place :   KCNC, Denver
Stephanie Riggs & Bill Masure “Embracing a Dream”
Second Place: WTHR-TV & Calamari Productions, Indianapolis
Kevin Finch, Karen Grau, Steve Starnes & John Whalen “In the Child’s Best Interest”
Third Place: Georgia Public Television, Atlanta
Rojene Bailey, Phil Proctor, Carol Fisk, Scott Huffman & Hal Lamar”Hosea in His Own Words”
Investigative Reporting
First Place:   KHOU-TV, Houston
David Raziq, Anna Werner & Chris Henao “Treading on Danger?”
Second Place: WEWS, Cleveland
Tom Merriman “Inside These Walls”
Third Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Valeri Williams & Meredith Schucker “Lives at Risk”
Sports Reporting
First Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Dale Hansen, Tony Martinez & Arnold Payne “The Landry Legacy”
Second Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Douglas Burgess “One More Chance to Play”
Third Place: WFAA-TV, Dallas
Gary Reaves & Douglas Burgess “To Hell and Back”
Graphics, Informational or Illustrative
First Place: WCVB-TV, Needham, MA
Bryan Kelleher “Newscenter 5 Design”
Sean Connor
Christine Finn
Anthony Lathrop
David Lovecchio
Marcelle Watkins
Second Place: KSWB-TV, San Diego
Maryl Lavelle “KSWB Station ID’s”
Third Place: No Award Given
Best Newscast
First Place
ABC News
Kathy O’Hearn & Elizabeth Vargas “World News Tonight: Elian Gonzalez”
Second Place: CNN
Judy Woodruff & Bernard Shaw “CNN’s Inside Politics”
Third Place: NBC News/Discovery Channel
Carol Williams “Discovery News”
Coverage of a Major News Event
First Place :   ABC News Nightline
Ted Koppel “The Holy Land: A Nightline Town Meeting in Jerusalem”
Second Place: CNN
Rob Howell, Dave Timko & Heather Whitley “Election 2000”
Third Place: Dateline NBC
Steve Eckert “Danger on the Road: Ford Firestone and the Federal Government”
Feature or Human Interest Story
First Place :   Dateline NBC
Izhar Harpaz “Family Ties”
Second Place: ABC News Prime Time Live
Diane Sawyer & Robbie Gordon “Roots of Rage”
Third Place: CNN NewsStand
Jan Smith “Military Pay”
Documentary or Series of Reports
Ted Koppel “AIDS in Africa”
Second Place: CNN Productions
Christiane Amanpour & Liza McGuirk “Revolutionary Journey”
Third Place: Dateline NBC
Shachar Bar-on “Mark of Dishonor”
Investigative Reporting
First Place :     ABC News 20/20
Harry Phillips & Connie Chung “Justice at Last?”
Second Place: Dateline NBC
Mark Feldstein & Staff  “Saving Richard”
Third Place: Dateline NBC
Lynn Dale & John Larson “The Paper Chase”
News Magazine Program
First Place: CNN
CNNdotCom Staff “CNNdotCom”
James Hattori
Perri Peltz
Shari Bell
Second Place: NBC News/Discovery Channel
Carol Williams “Discovery News”
Third Place: Dateline NBC
Benita Alexander-Noel “Road to Disaster”
Sports Reporting
First Place :   CNN/Sports Illustrated
Robert Abbott “Bobby Knight Investigative Report”
Second Place: NBC News/Discovery Channel
Carol Williams “Discovery News: Maximum Performance”
Third Place: CNN
Jeff Flock “How Far? How Fast? How High?