2003 – Print/Photo

Print Division
DAILY NEWSPAPERS- Writing & Reporting 
Spot News, all sizes
First Place: Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN
Staff Entry
“Death of Senator Paul Wellstone”
Second Place: East Valley Tribune, Mesa, AZ
Staff Entry
Third Place: St. Petersburg Times, FL
Staff Entry
“Plane Hits Skyscraper”
News Beat Coverage, circulation up to 75,000
First Place: Eric Eyre Scott Finn Charleston Gazette, WV
Eric Eyre & Scott Finn
“License to Steal”
Second Place: Second Place:Greeley Tribune, Co.
Staff Entry
“Worlds Apart – Coming Together”
Third Place: Mary Beth Pfeiffer
Poughkeepsie Journal
”Treatment in State Prisons of Mentally Ill Inmates”
News Beat Coverage, circulation over 75,000
First Place & BEST OF SHOW IN PRINT DIVISION:   Connie Schultz The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Connie Schultz
“The Burden of Innocence”
Second Place: San Francisco Chronicle, CA.
David Parrish & Jaxon Van Derbeken
“Police Dead Last in Solving Violent Crime”
Third Place: Seattle Times, WA.
Hal Bernton, Mike Carter, David Heath & James Neff
“The Terrorist Within”
Local Interest Column on a Variety of Subjects
First Place: Eugene Kane Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI
Eugene Kane
Second Place: Lexington Herald-Leader
Merlene Davis
Third Place: The Oregonian
Steve Duin
Special or Feature Column on One Subject
First Place: Susan Reimer The Baltimore Sun, MD.
Susan Reimer
“Family Life Column”
Second Place: The Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ
Valerie Sudol
“Garden Diary Column”
Third Place: The News & Observer, NC
J. Peder Zane
“Book Columns”
Editorial Writing
First Place: Tom Moran The Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ
Tom Moran
Second Place: The Baltimore Sun, MD
Karen Hosler & Robert Benjamin
Third Place: Orlando Sentinel, FL
Marianne Arneberg
Sports Writing
First Place: Charles Elmore Palm Beach Post, FL
Charles Elmore
Second Place: The Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ
Brad Parks
Third Place: Chicago Tribune, IL
Rick Morrissey
“In the Wake of  the News”
Feature Writing on Variety of Subjects
First Place: Tom Hallman The Oregonian, OR
Tom Hallman
Second Place: Palm Beach Post, FL
Michael Browning
Third Place: The Baltimore Sun, MD
Gary Dorsey
Business News
First Place: John Dorschner The Miami Herald, FL
John Dorschner
“Web Pharmacy”
Second Place: Chicago Tribune, ILL
Flynn McRoberts & Team
“A Final Accounting”
Third Place: Wall Street Journal, NY
Staff Entry
“Corporate Greed in America”
Educational Writing
First Place: Brian Thevenot The Times-Picayune, LA
Brian Thevenot
“Leap Year”
Second Place: Orange County Register, CA
Keith Sharon, Sarah Tully Tapia, Ronald Campbell & Maria Sacchetti
“Test Scores Unreliable”
Third Place: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, TX
Yamil Berard
“Portfolio: Education, Finance & Business”
Health/Science Writing
First Place: Amy Ellis Nutt The Star-Ledger, NJ
Amy Ellis Nutt
“The Seekers”
Second Place: Newsday, NY
Dan Fagin
“Tattered Hopes”
Third Place: The Charlotte Observer, NC
Debbie Cenziper, Ted Mellnik & Cristina Breen
Investigative Reporting
First Place: Walter F. Roche, Jr. Willoughby Mariano The Baltimore Sun, MD & The Orlando Sentinel
Walter F. Roche, Jr. & Willoughby Mariano
“Indentured in America”
Second Place: Orlando Sentinel, FL
Rene Stutzman
“House Arrest: A Public Threat”
Third Place: Newsday, NY
Staff Entry
“Public Land, Private Profits”
Public Service
First Place: Amie K. Streater Pensacola News Journal, FL
Amie K. Streater & Staff
“Escambia County Commission”
Second Place: Miami Herald, FL
Ronnie Greene & Joe Mozingo
“MIA – Big Airport, Big Bucks”
Third Place: Albuquerque Tribune, NM
Staff Entry
“State of Our Children”
Editorial Cartoons
First Place: Steve Sack Star Tribune, MN
Steve Sack
Second Place: The Commercial Appeal, TN
Bill Day
Third Place: The Record, NJ
Jimmy Margulies
MAGAZINES – Writing & Reporting 
Coverage of a Major News Event or Topic
First Place: Newsweek
Babak Dehghanpisheh, John Barry & Roy Gutman
“War Crimes of Afghanistan”
Babak Dehghanpisheh John Barry Roy Gutman
Second Place: TIME
Priscilla Painton, Jan Simpson & Eric Pooley
“9/11 One Year Later”
Third Place: Newsweek
Michael Isikoff & Daniel Klaidman
“9/11 Terrorists the CIA Should Have Caught”
Feature Writing on a Variety of Subjects
First Place: Brendan I. Koerner Legal Affairs, CT
Brendan I. Koerner
Second Place: TIME
John Cloud
Third Place: Newsweek
Evan Thomas
Special Column on One Subject
First Place: Jenny Blair Hartford Courant, CT
Jenny Blair
“Medical School Columns”
Second Place: Newsweek
Fareed Zakaria
“International Columns”
Third Place: Smart Money, NY
Roger Lowenstein
“Unconventional Wisdom Columns”
Feature Writing on a Variety of Subjects
First Place: A. Craig Copetas Bloomberg News, NY
A. Craig Copetas
“Boys with Toys”
Second Place: Newhouse News Service, DC
David Wood
Third Place: Associated Press
Helen O’Neill
Columns or Commentary on either a Single Topic or Variety of Topics
First Place: Graef Crystal Bloomberg News, NY
Graef Crystal
“Sweetening the Corporate Suite”
Second Place: Newhouse News Service, DC
James Lileks
Third Place: The Rick Horowitz Column
Rick Horowitz
“Life & Times”
Newspapers – Spot News
First Place: Matt Inden Rocky Mountain News, CO
Matt Inden
“Last Flight”
Second Place: Rocky Mountain News, CO
George Kochaniec, Jr.
“Courtroom Disturbance”
Third Place: The Eagle-Tribune, MA
Lisa Poole
“Boy Pulled From Frozen River”
Newspapers – Feature Photography
First Place: Karl Gehring Denver Post, CO
Karl Gehring
Second Place: Boston Globe, MA
David L. Ryan
“WTC Memorial Service”
Third Place: Antonio Express-News, TX
John Davenport
“Reluctant Snake Handlers”
Newspapers – Sports Photography
First Place: Steven M. Falk Philadelphia Daily News
Steven M. Falk
“Out at Home”
Second Place: The Des Moines Register
Rodney White
Third Place: The Oregonian
Rob Finch
“Big Punch”
Magazines, News Services, Syndicates – Spot News Photography
First Place: David Guttenfelder Associated Press
David Guttenfelder
Second Place: Associated Press
Jun-Yi Lin
“Boat Fire”
Third Place: Associated Press
Jerome Delay
“Early Release”
Magazines, News Services, Syndicates – Feature Photography
First Place: Gregory Bull Associated Press
Gregory Bull
“After the Taliban”
Second Place: Associated Press
Sergei Grits
“Muslim Madonna”
Third Place: Sports Illustrated
Ian Jones
“War Games”
Magazines, News Services, Syndicates – Sports Photography
First Place: Bob Rosato Sports Illustrated
Bob Rosato
“Rising to the Occasion”
Second Place: Sports Illustrated
Simon Bruty
“Miracle on Ice”
Third Place: Associated Press
Gregory Bull
“Mexico Soccer”
Photography Portfolio
First Place: Dale Omori The Plain Dealer, OH
Dale Omori
Second Place: Rocky Mountain News, CO
Barry Gutierrez
Third Place: The Denver Post
Craig Walker
Newspapers – Informational or Illustrative Graphics
First Place: Gary Viskupic Newsday
Gary Viskupic
Second Place: The Oregonian
Derrick Quenzer
Third Place: USA Today
Frank Pompa & Karl Gelles
Photo Essay
First Place & BEST OF SHOW PHOTOGRAPHY: Robert Cohen St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Robert Cohen
“A Family’s Decision”
Second Place: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Paul Joseph Brown
“Puget Sound Environmental Health
Third Place: St. Petersburg Times
John Kaplan
“Transcending Torture”