DEADLINE EXTENDED! Click to enter the 2025 National Headliner Awards


2025 Call for Entries - Desktop

2025 National Headliner Awards Deadline Extended!

The deadline for the 2025 contest has been extended!
All nominations must now be submitted online no later than
11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, February 21, 2025.
The journalism competition is open to all material appearing online or in publications distributed or broadcast in the United States between January 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024.

History - Desktop / Tab

National Headliners was hatched in 1934 from the bluff and bluster
of publicity-hungry Atlantic City, then the nation’s foremost seaside resort. Its midwife was the Press Club of Atlantic City, founded in 1888
and now the nation’s longest-surviving press club.
Read more about the history of the contest.

Wild Ice
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Founded in 1934 by the Press Club of Atlantic City, the National Headliner Awards program is one of the oldest and largest annual contests recognizing journalistic excellence.

The first National Headliner Awards were presented in 1935. Since then, more than 2,850 Headliner medallions have been presented to outstanding photographers, writers, daily newspapers, news syndicates, websites, radio and television stations, TV and radio networks and magazines.

Membership in the exclusive National Headliner Club is limited to individuals and organizations who have won Headliner medallions and to those men and women who serve as consultants and judges for the annual program. Many journalists have capped long and distinguished careers with a National Headliner Award, and each year the judges have recognized exceptional talent that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

A call for entries for the 91st edition of the awards will be announced in mid-December.

Duplicate Plaques and Certificates

All award winners will receive one plaque or certificate. If you would like duplicates, please visit our Store:


Headliner Awards History & Timeline

Learn about the storied history of the Headliner Awards, from its start in 1933 through present day.