2011 – Online

Online Division
Radio Affiliated Website
First Place: WBEZ.org
Steve Edwards
WBEZ-FM, Chicago, IL
Second Place: WBAL.com
Mark Miller and WBAL staff
WBAL-AM, Baltimore, MD
Third Place: WTOP.com
WTOP web staff
WTOP-FM, Washington, D.C.
Television Affiliated Website
First Place: MSNBC.com
Jennifer Sizemore
MSNBC, New York, N.Y.
Second Place: CNBC.com
Meredith Stark and CNBC staff,
CNBC, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Third Place: The Boston Channel
The Boston Channel staff, Boston, MA
Newspaper Affiliated Website
First Place: WSJ.com
Kevin Delancy
The Wall Street Journal, New York, N.Y.
Second Place: The Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily News MOVE team
Philly.com, Philadelphia, PA
Third Place: DetNews.com
The Detroit News online team
The Detroit News, Detroit, MI
Magazine Affiliated Website
First Place: CNNMoney.com
Chris Peacock
CNN Money, New York, N.Y.
Second Place: Time.com
Jim Frederick
Time, New York, N.Y.
Third Place: SI.com
Paul Fichtenbaum
Sports Illustrated, New York, N.Y.
Online Only Website
First Place: CaliforniaWatch.org
CaliforniaWatch.org staff
Center for Investigative Reporting, Berkeley, CA
Second Place: no award given
Third Place: no award given
Online Videography
First Place: Bill Greene, Dina Rudick, Scott LaPierre
The Boston Globe, Boston, MA
Second Place: The Oregonian staff,
The Oregonian, Portland, OR
Third Place: Julia Xanthos,
New York Daily News, New York, N.Y.
Online Slideshow
First Place: Robert Cohen
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, MO
Second Place: The Oregonian staff,
The Oregonian, Portland, OR
Third Place: Tom Lynn
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI
Online – Only Writing
First Place: Joe Posnanski
Sports Illustrated, New York, N.Y.
Second Place: John Carney
CNBC, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Third Place: Chad Pergram
Fox News, Washington, D.C.