Headliner News

90th National Headliner Awards winners honored

90th National Headliner Awards winners honored

The 90th National Headliner Award winners honoring the best journalism in the United States in 2023 were announced today. The awards were founded in 1934 by the Press Club of Atlantic City. The annual contest is one of the oldest and largest in the country that recognizes journalistic merit in the communications industry. The Best in Show Newspapers Award went to the staff of the Miami Herald in...

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Flashbulbs and Flashbacks: 90 Years of National Headliner Awards

Flashbulbs and Flashbacks: 90 Years of National Headliner Awards

At the first Headliners award dinner in 1935, New Jersey Gov. Harold Hoffman explained he was once a cub reporter, making $8 a week. And, he said, judging by editorials in New Jersey papers, some editors still felt “I was worth about $8 a week.” National Headliners was hatched in 1934 from the bluff and bluster of publicity-hungry Atlantic City, then the nation’s foremost seaside resort. Its...

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